PAX: Amway, Breezy, Hermes, Staubach, Water Wings, Bluewater, Captain Jack, Oofda, Term Paper, Full House, Dowry
PAX (not in Slack): Nugent
FNGs: None
Launched on time despite complements being expressed over YHC’s Q shorts. Flawless execution on Mission and Principles. Pledge. Mosey to warm up. Did well on the counts despite significant numerical mumblechatter. Called Imperial Walkers, got feedback from Breezy again, still work to do on that one. Mosey to parking deck behind Danny’s BBQ. Played a game of Lucky Bounce with the Aussie Rules Football, i.e. footy. Many stairs and exercises were enjoyed. Mosey back to flag with Aboriginal run passing the footy from front to back. Dropping the footy resulted in burpees and there appeared to be a few intentional groundings. Started COT two minutes late but distance and workout was a good push. FNG Nugent won the grand prize from game of Lucky Bounce – a jar of Vegemite! Enjoy that Nugent!! Prayers for Pet Sounds and Bronx Bomber. Aussie Tim Tams were also enjoyed at coffeteria. One year anniversary of F3 for YHC!! Thank you guys…YHC is in the best shape I’ve been in for 20 years!!MIAGD!!!!!!!!