202201 Q’d by Snip

Q: Snip
PAX: Snip, Unitard, Captain Jack, Breezy, Shipyard, Oofda, Lite Brite, Kiffin, Chipper, Yoga Mat, Claypool
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: French Lick

3 PAX rucked/walked while 9 PAX took the beat down route. Warm ups following a wind around the big balls, head to the bridge for 7ā€™s (beginning of bridge to bottom of hill) with Squats and Star Jumps, take a breather with Balls to the wall for a 30 count and 5 pull ups OYO. Back to rock pile for C4Gā€™s, Tricep Extensions and upwards rows (name?). Shipyard introduced French Lick to some Hermes inspired veterinarian jokes. Cap it off with MARY to close us out.

3 years today fellas. Very thankful for this group of men. I am better for it. We all have ups and downs and many of you have provided wisdom, a laugh, and the accountability to push through the funk at different times. #MIAGD.

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