202328 Q’d by HGTV

PAX: Shipyard, Adjacent, Amway, French Lick, Hallmark, IC Light, Laloosh, LDB (Little Drummer Boy), Sbarro, Texas Ranger, Jigglypuff, Nugent
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

Things just have a way of working out for the better. The Q’s goal was to break patterns – both in exercises and in COT. Rockwork and pickle runs were accomplished by the PAX with zeal. Alas, there’s just only 45 minutes to accomplish so much. Back to the flag for some stretching and we had a nice day.

COT was another story. We got through announcements (see the Calendar) and shared the pain some family members and friends are going through. But it didn’t stop there. We listened, we shared more. We shared more and more. The PAX, except for Laloosh who was quite figgity, seemed to want more. The Q encouraged the PAX to share more, to give testimony from their hearts about being a man of F3, about how are they r struggling and how they deal with it. Strategies were shared. Very powerful. Here are a few:

Amway: ID the trigger, figure out a positive response. Follow that response, day in, day out, until it’s habit. Change yourself.

Shipyard: ID the trigger, have a Montra. When you are triggered, you think that mantra. For example, “What does F3 teach me: to plant grow serve.” Do you ask during a moment of stress, darkness, or struggle: Am I planting, growing, and/ or serving my friend/spouse/stranger by acting this way? Change yourself.

Sbarro / Nugent: You are stressed, how do you control it so you don’t negatively affect others with it: What about taking a ‘moment’ to build in a buffer, to take a breathe, to help yourself make the transition to family time?

The Q ended COT with this quote from MLK…..
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” THe Q was trying to tie in challenge/controversy to our personal lives here in F3 and our relationship with family.

There’s no doubt men feel pain. We experience failure. We know the sting of defeat. We may not always show it, but we also have difficulties and frustrations. These moments, these stings, failures, defeats, set backs… How do we respond as F3 men? What do these things do to us? They make us stronger men, better warriors to protect our friends, our kids. Better decision makers in our choice of friends, what we put in our bodies, how we treat others

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