PAX: Astro, Doula, Unitard, Breezy, Kirkland, Spayed, Texas Ranger, eHarmony, WebMD, Yoga Mat, Term Paper, Bubba, Chipper, Amway, OTW (On The Way), Fruit Loop, Jigglypuff, Hallmark, Barista, French Lick, Olsen
PAX (not in Slack): McGraw, Crabgrass
FNGs: McGraw
We kicked off Culture Week with the pledge, the mission, the core principles and asked the question “where would we be without those guidelines?” Many culturally minded topics covered, like the history of our region, starting with the Mothership workout; down memory lane to discuss growth in our nation, our region; we reflected on our first workouts, their impact on us, asking “why did we come back for a second workout?” Other topics covered like the Magnet effect, Starfish organization allows all of us, as leaders, to be Freed To Lead. We did some exercises. During VQ lead exercises we drove home the fact that each PAX can take lead on 1stF activities, that he can make old ideas better, or create new 1stF ideas and go for it.
So many topics, so many men, so little time, not the easiest to cram all this together. And although the workout was not long or full of burpee variations and many challenging exercises I do hope the PAX continues to embrace this week’s unique experience where we gather in larger than normal numbers and discuss together the variables that make the Magnet, the Glue and the Dynamite.