PAX: French Lick, Nabisco, Half, Hermes, GTL, Mayflower, Kiffin, Denali, Wonderbread, Joe Smith
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
High tempo was requested, high tempo was delivered. Pledge while Joe Smith gets his act together, and we are off. Quick and non-efficient warm ups for the group consisting of “stretch on your own”, in cadence of course. Dang these guys are hard to please.
Time to run 🏃. Partner loops in the cottages, 2nd place penalty was burpees. Then reverse.
Mosey to the high fluting renaissance of SCary, for quick game is catch me if u can. Pax were too busy rubbernecking and missed a turn. Penalty merkins were administered (leadership takes effort and intent).
Finally, we moseyed to the Garmin building for a near miss from a disgruntled Garmin employee. 2 of 7’s, with various counts of calisthenics.
Indian 🏃 back to flag, with 15 seconds to spare. 4.5m covered. Great job today fellas. Honor to lead. 💪