PAX: Kirkland
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
Posted at Area-51’s The Rock and learned some things are the same as SCary and some are different. First, the workouts are an hour down here, which is foot training for the MOAB. That’s about the only difference. The same is the fact that there are Q’s that are super hard (think Highlighter) and PAX that like to mumblechatter and enjoy their Saturday mornings. If you are ever in South Charlotte and see a guy named Alf Q’ing, just know he is their version of Highlighter. We ran about 4 1/2 miles through the Piper Glenn neighborhood, which happens to be one of the hilliest places in Charlotte. It was basically BRR training and turns out that Alf has run seven BRR’s. Throw some burpees, Merkins, squats and other workouts in there, it made for a tough workout. Thanks to eHarmony for the slack hookup. MIAGD!