PAX: Blue (Bluewater), Kirkland, Spayed, Doula, Fruit Loop, Amway, Kitty Litter, Staubach
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
7 of us most of the time plus Spayed showed for awhile before he went home to be a family man and then Blue showed up at 6:59 and is at Staubach’s bachelor pad rn pounding beers. Kirkland knew a bunch of people there.
We drank some beers, ate some apps (or an actual meal in Amway’s case) and solved the region and world’s problems. Lots of chatter around potential #f3bets for Staubach’s upcoming home sale, Pax with many employees under them, amway’s realized f3 dreams of being a SWW site Q, Moab concerns, fights with fellow Pax, Pax come and gone, and much more.
Thoughts and prayers for Life Alert who couldn’t fulfill his HC due to still nursing a back shaving injury.