PAX: Shipyard, Trickle, cheeseballs, Spitz, DEET, Homegrown, HGTV, Renfield, Dumas, Unitard, Grisham
PAX (not in Slack): Tepper
FNGs: None
While it is not maritime law, it is highly recommended to have an ANCHOR when setting sail to new seas. This morning we forged our anchor along the way to the Shipyard to say Hello Dolly! No FNG so a quick disclaimer then the pledge and off we sail.
Mosey to the apartments on the hill. Start our warmup port side. GM, Imperial Walkers, SSH. Mosey to the starboard side for Sir Fazios and Seal Claps. Mosey into the rarely travelled loch. Pearls on a string ANCHOR. Alternating side squats, Nolan Ryan, Copperhead Squats, Hatching Butterfly, Outlaws, Rosalita.
Wait did we just happen to land in Shipyard’s driveway by accident? Hello Dolly in the driveway!
Repeato and a quick stop to finish our artwork. Mosey back to the park for one last round. Over to the ant pile for Mary. HAND!
Thanks for the opportunity to lead. AmBRR is coming? WGC? Prayers for Harold and his family after his quick passing. Split hot or cold coffeteria. Make it a great day!