PAX: Homegrown, Augmented, PickUp, Cauliflower, Fruit Loop, Nabisco, Half, Sbarro, Schnitzel, Captain Jack
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
While we didn’t accomplish leaving absolutely nothing remaining of the coffee this morning, we didn’t accomplish a V-KB Q that will leave those who missed out in tears (looking at you Dumas).
What better way to start off a KB workout than with a quick mosey, so that’s what we did followed by a quick warm-up. YHC kept his wits though and remembered not to call the famous SCary stretches. At this point PickUp emerged from the gloom on his EC farmers carry. The thing was a tabata style workout, 40 on/20 off, working our way from top to bottom. We made it about 2 minutes in before I was chastised for my second breach of etiquette in as many Qs and I dutifully turned the tunes up after some admonishment from Captain Jack. Crisis averted we carried on.
The Thang
Curls, Overhead Press, Tricep Extensions, Rows
American Hammers, Plank Pull Through, WWII, KB Swings
RDLs, Goblet Squats, L/R Lunges, Thrusters
Farmers Carry the small pickle
Repeato x3
After cruising through the first two rounds we turned it up on the last superset and did 45 on/15 off to finish out our morning strong. Good times were had by most if not all. It was good to get there and do something new and push myself. Thanks for letting me lead!
Odyssey, Camping Trip, Bowling Night
Coffeeteria was short but strong, lots of great mumblechatter about tolls and toll shenanigans. Surprisingly low/no complaints on the sound track other than the volume…