Q: FLINTstone
PAX: Joe Smith, Spade, Hermes, HoppinJohn
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
PAX: Joe Smith, Spade, Hermes, HoppinJohn
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
Early start and on time ending. Five great HIMs climbed “the ladder” to the bottom rung. Great mumble chatter and business ideas 💡! All tax free and legal.
The ladder climb included burpees, merkins, LBCs, lunges, mountain climbers, planks, 🇺🇸 hammers, SSHs, and big boy sit-ups. The bottom rung never reached was squats.
Coffeteria at NYBD.
Make sure to spend time with those around you young and old. Life is a gift! MIAGD!!