PAX: Elevation, French Lick, Olsen, Shipyard, Shut-In, Tonnage, Wah Wah
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
7+🐕🦺 for a stonecutters style workout replete with hidden messages and unanswerable questions. After a lap and brief warmup we moved on to the Thang. Run to a corner, do reps of an exercise, return to the middle for 7 star jumps, repeat on the other 3 corners. Repeat counts were 19, 20, 15, 14, 5 which French Lick figured out spelled STONE. Exercises were Gas pumps (by the CircleK), Overhead claps, Alabama asskickers, and Turkish getups (which everyone realized spelled GOAT). We actually skipped the final round in order to get to the trivia questions which were intended to be a mix of impossibly arcane and just plain unanswerable. We ran or flying nun’d from corner to corner based upon the whims of the Q. Questions:
1. Why was Stonehenge created? The pax got this wrong.
2. What structure won the “Supreme Award” at the Institute of Structural Engineers annual Structural Awards in 2010? Though there was an attempt, the pax were unfamiliar with the Stonecutters bridge in Hong Kong.
3. What does the Latin phrase “Novus Ordo Seclorum” mean? French Lick nailed the translation of this phrase found under the pyramid on the dollar bill: New order of the ages
4. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The pax got this wrong too.
Mary included LBCs and CFH2M (held awkwardly long in order to give a show to OTW and TP who joined from the premiere Thursday AO).
Amway and Badda rolled in a little after COT having run to and from BiB 🔥
Sometimes in our lives we are the keystone and sometimes we are another brick in the arch. In all of those moments we are connected to, supporting, and supported by the ones around us.