PAX: French Lick, Kitty Litter
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
We went on a quest around the streets of downtown Apex this morning as part of bringing SCary’s culture weak to the Peak of Good Living. An interesting start to the morning as Franklin appears out of the gloom leading to many inquiries if he was aware he had the Q at Moontower followed by multiple attempts from Franklin to woo the PAX away. None took the bait and off we went. We scoured multiple locations around downtown including Hunter Street Park, The Apex Town Campus and outlying parking lots, Salem street, and Apex Baptist. Plenty of heckling of the Q along the way all taken in stride and taken as validation that things were ok. Along our journey we performed various exercises including:
H eels to Heaven
E lbows to Knees crunches (both the freddy mercury and proper Peak City versions)
R ockette Dips
E rkins
S tringray merkins (the Q totally forgot to call these, similar to Franklins propensity for forgetting his Qs)
F oxholes
R anger Merkins
A merican Hammers
N ewtons Cradle
K at scratch fever (a South Cary favorite and Kitty Litter invention)
L unges in Reverse
I mperial Walkers
N olan Ryans
I appreciate the warm welcome and thank the PAX for permitting my slightly lengthy adventure. Thanks to Kitty Litter and French Lick for repping SCary with me. It truly is the POGL and I plan to visit more often next year.