PAX: Adjacent, Blue (Bluewater), Captain Jack, H G T V, Nabisco, Schnitzel, Augmented
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
We started off this fine SWWingers morning with a healthy dose of hip and hamstring related warm ups and stretches — including the improved version of the South Cary Stretch, the “World’s Greatest Stretch.”
The Thang was a 10 excercise, full body circuit. Pic posted below on request.
We mixed in discussions about the Leadership piece of this whole F3 thing and the opportunities it provides. From dumb little things like making pitchfork and kettlebell flags, to showing gratitude to folks like Captain Jack and Bluewater for kicking off the kettlebell trend in our region.
Finally, we went around the group and shared our favorite thing about F3.
Make it a great one.