PAX: Mayflower, Joe Smith, Punkin, Grisham
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
Why do you guys work out so early? This was the question I posed to the PAX in the gloom at the ungodly hour of 0515. Nevertheless I overcame my weary eyelids and after a 10 count (because this is BIB and not Krypto) to let Punkin execute a perfect roll out of his car off we go.
Warmups in the big lot, then mosey over to the middle lot for four rounds of four corners. YHC had originally planned some light hearted heckling but decided the bonds of Thursday site-Q’dom were too important to risk (unlike certain other days *cough* Fridays *cough.* Anyways, two circuits were planned, 15 reps then 20 reps for each circuit. In honor of a Thursday site Q extraordinaire, F3 legal counsel, and Lochmere legend, the PAX were treated to exercises such as:
J Lo’s (not Shakiras even though our hips weren’t lying)
O verhead Claps
E lbow to Knee crunches (properly this time thanks to our Peak City brothers)
S quats
M erkins
I mperial Squat Walkers
T ravoltas
H eels to Heaven
The PAX absolutely crushed this, so plenty of time to mosey over to the rock pile for a medium to large rock (for most), with curls, overhead press, tricep extensions, rock rows, weight WWII, and chest press, interspersed with some recovery pickles. Back to the flag just in time for HAND.
Announcements announced (Blood Drive) and prayers prayed.
Mumblechatter topics varied widely this morning from Brittney Spears music videos, to The Box, and the Detroit Tigers. I was privileged enough to get the Joe Smith over the top complimentary feedback sandwich. Which was repaid in kind.