202415 Q’d by Rooney

Q: Rooney
PAX: Astro, Dowry, Spade, Flounder, OTW (On The Way), Kirkland, French Lick, Snip, Gravel Mouth, Unitard, Bubba, Grisham, KittyHawk
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

YHC came to Shepard’s Watch, bearing the burden of broken Peak City promises, to Q my favorite SCary AO on this glorious morning. And boy, did I totally redeem ourselves!

-Intro, disclaimer, pledge, no FNGs, off we go across Tryon.
-Warm-up next to Craft: GMs, IWs, Daisy Pickers, Hallelujahs, Moroccan Night Clubs, Michael Phelps, Calf Stretch.
-Thang 1: Mosey to the large pickle by the roundabout. Partner up. Run pickle and x10 partner merkins when meeting. Do this five times.
-Thang 2ish: Abs by Walgreens (as we try not to get hit by cars). Dying Cockroach, Box Cutters, Marionettes OYO.
-Squat and plank hold as we wait for the crosswalk light. Back to the backside of church.
-Thang 3: Triple Nickels on the straightaway. Jump squats, Plank Destroyers, Dying Cockroaches.
-Thang 4ish: Rooney’s famous viral-inclined-curb-with-perfect-form-squats. IYKYK.
-Thang 5ish w/ Mary: 2 parking lot ladders (or suicides on a basketball court) with: Homer to Marge, Low Slow Flutter, E2Ks
-COT at 6:16, announcements, prayers, YHC took us out.
-YHC Mt. Rushmore status confirmed. ‘Twas a pleasure. SCary invented trunk coffee was dope.

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