202426 Q’d by Shut-In

Q: Shut-In
PAX: Dowry, Brie, Fresh Prince, Gravel Mouth, Useful Engine, HoppinJohn, Olsen, Renfield, Open Concept, cheeseballs, Dumas, DEET
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

0530 hit as pax were still getting situated. YHC kicked it off with the full blitz F3 welcoming: Disclaimer, Mission, 5CPs, and Pledge then we mozy’d off to Lowe’s to warm up.
(in the meantime what we didn’t know is Brie was just arriving and instead of peering over at the shopping center he went medical park and missed us!)

20 squats with heels on the curb (someone said they are Stiletto Squats? Haven’t heard that before but I’ve noted for next time!)
Increasing exercises at each parking spot divider: 1, then 2, 3, 4, 5 and then run back for the next set. Each set different exercise: Merkins then Burpees, then Mtn Climbers.
As I gasped for air on the burpees I saw my heart rate hit 170. Everyone was pushing. There were no Mailmen at this workout.

THANG 2: Medical park now (sorry Brie). YHCs car was waiting for the pax with a plethora of coupons. Cindys , #35 plates, and a kettle bell. Partner up, and partner with coupon does a repeating Squat, step, Curl, step, Press, step working his way around the pickle. P2 is running the pickle back to P1 and they flapjack until the pickle is completed. Mileage and Strength…win win!

Back to the flag for a Plank O Rama, followed by COT. YHC has adopted a new COT disclaimer so pax of all walks of faith understand F3 is for all men and faith backgrounds. It goes sorta like this if you want to replicate it in some fashion, “F3 ascribes to no specific faith and isn’t a Christian organization. The Q is welcome to end the workout how he feels led. Being that I’m Christian i’ll take us out the way I know how, which is prayer.” And then I said “Ball up!” ha! Which now I want shirt with a picture of a COT and it says BALL UP! above it.

And with that, a great morning was had by all. Thanks for being there with me fellas! MIAGD

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