202402 Q’d by Mayflower

Q: Mayflower
PAX: Flip Flop (that’s singular), Joe Smith, Denali, Nabisco, Largemouth, Chanticleer, Enhancements, Trickle, French Lick, Francois, Mayflower
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

OG group of 11 for a Kryptonite adventure into uncharted territory down Kelekent all the way to the famed cul-de-sac de Francois.
Merkins, Squats, and flutters occurred along the way. Prodigal inspired mile warm up run to get us going. 4+ covered. Much debate about what age is appropriate to share beloved movies such as Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, and Bad Santa with our kids.
Xmas Party upcoming 12/19.

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