PAX: Astro, Fruit Loop, Kitty Litter, OTW (On The Way), HoppinJohn, Sbarro
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
4 PAX met at 5:15 for Day 2 of 12daysofChristmas challenge. 7 PAX gathered around the flag (luckily including Fruit Loop), and we were off on our mission. Today’s workout consisted of pearls on a string to the Frostwood/Larkwood loop for an inflating and deflating set of LIGHTs.
Travolta Merkins
Each time we saw a house with lights (or a street light for the extremely non-festive portion of the street), do a set starting with L, inflating to LIGHT, and then deflating to just the T. Diamond Merkins on a string on the way back to Waverly, looping around South Cary’s most beautiful Christmas tree. BTTF for a quick Mary. HAND and that’s it!
Several announcements, but most Tour de Lightmere. Guaranteed to see more lights than we did this AM.
Praise up this morning for good times with good friends in our region (and upcoming opportunities to enjoy this), and prayers up for hard reminders and hard things to navigate at year end. Grateful for you all!