202406 Q’d by Water Wings

Q: Water Wings
PAX: Amway, Burt Reynolds, Dowry, Kitty Litter, Largemouth, Wonderbread, Joe Smith
PAX (not in Slack): 0
FNGs: 0

6 PAX huddled for a beatdown, 1 for a solo mosey.

When some PAX questioned the Q about mileage and tempo, conveying concerns about the sub 30 temp, YHCs original plan dissolved and a new vision formed for this frigid gloom.

No flag, no problem (well not really).

YHC decided that the PAX should inspect various office facilities to ensure they were prepared for the back to work mandate allegedly coming down from DOGE to increase federal in-office attendance above 6%.

Warm-up at 1100 Crescent Green Dr. This building appears in good condition and ready for workers. Post warm-up, we found a lucky PAX that happened to guess the correct directions after a filed attempt on Tuesday.

Onto 1225 Crescent Green Dr for inspection where we performed 4 exercises
Overhead claps
Gorilla humpers
Elevated 6″ hold

Next was a brief stop for monkey humpers at the rear of Lifetime for the meat heads enjoyment. 8000 Regency Pkwy inspection performed while doing dips out front. At this point the PAX was concerned that we were still heading away from the location where a flag would have been planted by a responsible site-Q… Flyby inspection of 9000 Regency Pkwy during burpees. Final stop on the way back was in from of Atria to show some love for the workers unable to do work remotely via Homer to Marges.

Largemouth spotting on our final turn on the greenway as the watched turned over 3 miles. 10 pull-up on 3 beautiful ToC bars.

Mary rounded off with American hammers and Stiflers mom until the Q couldn’t take it anymore.

COT: Announcements announced. Prays lifted.


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