PAX: Amway
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
Walkers, Ruckers, Runners, Swingers, and Bootcampers, oh my! They truly do have something to fit every man’s dream at Field of Dreams. 21 total pax!
A wonderfully gloomy morning in Green Level. Disclaimer, mission, pledge, and off the groups go.
Mosey to the other side of the baseball fields
SCary Stretches
Brought Astro’s 12 Days of Christmas Challenge from SCary over to GL. “4 corners” around the baseball fields (excepting the first round around the parking due to some SCary → GL translation issues). All was rectified for rounds 2-4.
Round 1 – Diamond Merkins x10, Homer to Marge x10
Round 2- L/R Lunges x10, Imperial Walkers x10
Round 3 – Merkins x10, LBCs x10
Round 4 – SSH x10, Wide Grip Merkins x10
Round 5 – American Hammers x10, Squats x10
Lots of mumblechatter about being wet, and we only managed to get our backsides wet during the THANG. So, for good measure we ended with 10 Hand Release Merkins to even things out.
Back to the flag for Mary and COT with the entire crew.
Announcements announced, prayers lifted.