Q: Snip
PAX: Snip, Full House, Oofda, Joe Smith, Punkin, Grisham
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
PAX: Snip, Full House, Oofda, Joe Smith, Punkin, Grisham
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
Six PAX ventured down Ederlee to Penny and back. Starting at the Chiesi entrance with warmups and quality mumble chatter, then 19 light poles – starting with Merkins from 1 to 10, increment by 1 at each pole, and decrement by 1 after the 10th pole back down to 1. Turn around and come back with Squats.
Small set of 2’s into The Estates, back to the flag for an on-time wrap up.
Prayers, Christmas party, and consider changing your pillows out this holiday season.