[aostonecutters] 202419 Q’d by Unitard

Q: Unitard
PAX: Shipyard, Lite Brite, Cauliflower, Fruit Loop, Jigglypuff, OTW (On The Way), Sbarro, Kirkland
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

After a startling reminder that @unitard was the Q, we began with some standard warmup routines including side straddle hops, arm circles, and overhead claps. Grabbing some river rock coupons we proceeded to walk and do some curls for girls, and over head presses. This was followed by some Nutcracker lunges. After a short slow mosey to the picnic tables, we continued with some dips, 6 count step-ups, snow angels, heels to heaven, WWII, and box cutters. Then we slow moseyed backwards to the next parking lot where we painted the lines from one end to the other. Lunge walked back to the center of the lot where @shipyard lead us with some good morning stretch.
The fun continued as we mosey back to the flag for more river rock exercises, rock your body, curls, presses, and triceps. Off to the rubber mat playground where we did some diamond merkins, plank holds. Stretches followed with pigeons, Warrior 1,2,3, and child’s pose. Back to the flag for a final stretch and have a nice day.
Thanks to all the Pax for their patience.
Announcements: Xmas Party, Sunday 12/22 evening Lockmere lights 2.0 friendly workout, no Q on Christmas, New Years TBD.
Prayers for @Fruit Loop bosses son surgery, & @Cauliflower daughter job search.
Grateful to be part of the F3 family.

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