[ao-tues-mojodojocasahouse] 202431 Q’d by Yoga Mat

Q: Yoga Mat
PAX: Greenbow, Lite Brite, Term Paper, Shipyard
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

Bricks or Blocks?
We had 4, at first, at MDCH and we were wondering if @fruitloop would roll in the break the WH Line but what to our wondering eyes did appear a new Mach E and @greenbow appeared. Looks like @greenbow has a new shoulder, a new whip, and a long extension cord.

I open the back of the truck and there is a pile of blocks and a pile of bricks. The individual PAX chose a block or a pair of bricks. We all got our coupons and into the park we went!

Mosey a bit, do a thang with the block –
Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

It was a lovely morning!

Afterwards, as it is the last day of the year, we piled into our cars and drove to Waffle House for an end of the year coffee. (Yes, I know, 5, but @termpaper was one of the 5 so we pulled up a chair)

See everyone tomorrow at the convergence/new year/birthday party/awards ceremony!

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