Q: Oofda
PAX: Flop, GTL, Wonderbread, Denali, WebMD, Life Alert, Kiffin, Trickle, Bing, Badda, Dunk, Chops, Francois, Bagels
PAX (not in Slack): Sawhorse, Grease Monkey
FNGs: None
PAX: Flop, GTL, Wonderbread, Denali, WebMD, Life Alert, Kiffin, Trickle, Bing, Badda, Dunk, Chops, Francois, Bagels
PAX (not in Slack): Sawhorse, Grease Monkey
FNGs: None
YHC had a hard time keeping the PAX above an 8 min pace and on route. But the Lochmere route was completed successfully. Great to have such a large crowd on a cool morning.