PAX: Grisham, Astro, Kirkland, Shipyard, Spade, Chipper, FLINTstone, Gravel Mouth, Unitard, Flounder, French Lick
PAX (not in Slack): Yogi, Giza
FNGs: None
A brisk morning for YHCs triumphant return to Shepherds Watch. Somehow it had been almost two months since I had graced the premier 0530 Friday AO with my presence. Glad to have rectified that this morning. 3 for the Astro 1 mile EC, including fifth first-timer Grisham. Timed expertly to not have to stand around at the flag and cool off for too long. Was looking like a small crew but then the PAX came flying in hot. 0530 hit and Yogi’s van was there but Yogi was not….. until he and Boo Boo came streaking in during the pledge.
Off we mosey to the other side of the church, at this point much debate ensued about whether it was the Qs duty or the site-Qs duty to pick up the six. In any case, per Shut-Ins previous teaching some pax performed an undetermined amount of SSHs while some pax picked up the six (leave no man where you found him) resulting in all PAX being at the same level upon re-uniting. More SSH, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers for warm-ups. At this point the trademark SW mumblechatter was raging to the point of nobody counting, so burpees ensued. Good Mornings thrown in at some point for continued recovery for YHC following Hulkamania this week. Notable lack of SCary stretching this morning, to the joys of some and disdain of others. Let’s mosey back to the other side.
Name of the game this morning was staying warm, so we start off with a 4×4 corners, 5-10-15-20 increasing reps per round consisting of:
S enile Seal Clap Side Straddle Hops
N ewtons Cradle
O verhead Claps
W ide Grip Merkins
More SSH upon completion much to the joy of the pax. Gotta keep moving so next up was a set of MERLOT INDUCING 21s (properly counted by Tinkertoy standards I hope). Start at 8/13 reps on either end and go from there.
D ying Cockroaches
A merican Hammers
with a bonus exercise each time you cross the middle, the
Y urpee (Burpee with clap merkin at the bottom and two tuck jumps at the top)
Back to the flag for a rousing session of MARY-ish including the Rick Rude, Homer to Marge, and Box Cutter.
Will try to make it less than two months until I visit agian.
Solid showing this morning despite the frigid temps. Well done gentlemen. Solid coffeteria attendance at the worlds slowest Bojangles.