[ao-tues-justruckit] 202514 Q’d by IC Light

Q: IC Light
PAX: Water Wings, Quiver, Sbarro, OTW (On The Way), Trickle, Jigglypuff
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

Ruckers rucked to the parking lot on the other side of Crescent Commons and did some island hopping. First round we did squats at each island (total reps 47). Second round we did merkins at each island (total reps 47). We then headed to the hill to the upper lot where we did hill repeats (squat holds at the top and shoulder taps at the bottom). After several rounds we headed back tot he imaginary flag for COT.

Announcements: DDD 2/22, HG 4/19, TRR 4/26 and Scary Family Picnic 4/27.

Prayers for Wing’s M and the passing of her Grandmother, those impacted by the wildfires out in California and Tickle’s back.

Great way to start the day. Thanks for following this geezer around for 45 minutes. MIAGD!

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