PAX: Gravel Mouth, Chops, Water Wings, Quiver, Kirkland, Astro, Jigglypuff, H G T V
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
9 for a wonderful first foray back into fitness after I spent a weekend riptiding around the Caribbean with a few hundred of my now closest friends. Headed over to Waverly to look for buried treasure (forgotten Christmas presents) under the site of the famous Waverly Christmas Tree. Dug our way through merkins and squats. Finding nothing at X marks the spot, and quickly running out of grains of sand in our hourglass, our ragtag band of pirates followed the map around the perimeter of Waverly with still no luck. So back we went to launch an assault on USS DoughBoy. Good times were had by all.
Most important announcement by far was 2/1 Ice Cream for Breakfast at Two Roosters.