202529 Q’d by Kitty Litter

Q: Kitty Litter
PAX: Unitard, Squeeze Bag (Peak City), Astro, Petey, Gravel Mouth, Fresh Prince, Trickle, Sherpa, French Lick, Morpheus, Punkin, Floppy Crust, Captain Jack, FLINTstone, OTW (On The Way), Full House, Jigglypuff, Bubba, Thurston, Shipyard, Chipper, Open Concept, Grisham
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

Problematic numbers this morning but great to see some neighbors visit from the Peak tribe. Disclaimer then pledge then off we go. No elaborate plans but our friend from the far far west in LaLa Land debuted a new exercise yesterday, so we had to try it out. Warmups with stretching then mosey to the long hill that Bing shared during BRR training.

7’s was the call with the Lt. Dan Tuck Jump Burpee at the top and WW2’s at the bottom. Nope that’s not the bottom of the hill keep going. Finished with 6 regular burpees as a group.

Mosey back to the warmup spot for some post hill stretching. Back to the flag for a few popcorn Mary and HAND with 2.5 minutes to spare. Our lone Ochoer returned safely with mysterious blood stains.

DDD 2.22, HG25 4.19, SCary Picnic 4.27, HDHH 2.5 at Craft


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