202530 Q’d by IC Light

Q: IC Light
PAX: Hermes, Joe Smith, Dowry, HoppinJohn, Grisham, Chipper, Voltron
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

Great start to the morning. Said the pledge and then headed out to the Chiesi parking lot/deck, stopping for warm ups on the way. We did a little island hopping with squats at each island. Forward run down and backwards run back up to the top of the lot. After getting the legs warmed up we headed to the parking deck for several rounds of 4 corners with various exercises in each corner. We did some other random stuff and then headed back to the flag. On the way back we stopped at each light for a squat hold or pulsing squats. Made back to the flag with a minute to spare so we finished up with a short round of stretching.

Announcements announced and prayers lifted up.

Most made it to NYBD for coffee after.


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