PAX: H G T V, Gravel Mouth, Shut-In, Tinkertoy, Water Wings, Chops, Astro, Term Paper, Unitard, Bubba, Grisham, Kirkland, Petey, Shipyard
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: Hitch
With some “encouragement” from Shipyard, today we explored some recent phenomena…
I’m not saying it was aliens ….but it was the aliens!
Started with a mosey to warmups. Blew the PAX minds when they discovered the first man on the moon Neil A. Armstrong’s name speeled backwards is A.lieN. 🤯
Discussed the apocalyptic scene in New Jersey that has many in panic thinking UFOs were invading. Turns out it was the Goodyear blimp over MetLife stadium. The PAX then participated in inflating BLIMPs.
Burpees x5
Lunges x10
Imperial walkers x15
Merkins x20
Plankjacks x25
Squats x 30
Thang 2 was to represent the Georgia state patrol chasing an UFO across the sky turns out it was just the planet Venus. Thus we did setof 5’s – merkins and CDDs with bearcrawl to and from.
Finished with MARY, where we learned Australia does it differently and Term Paper introduced us to Homer to Martian.
Ended with COT. Prayers to the health of our families, specifically our elders, and Maywe continue to be leaders in our community.
AKOA? Next week
F2 event at Weld Wednesday next week