2025-02-01 Q’d by Morpheus

Q: Morpheus
PAX: Punch Out, Shipyard, Bing, Astro, H G T V, Hermes, Kirkland, Chops, Texas Ranger, Tonnage, Morpheus, Promo
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

LOCH ‘N LOAD: We started with the Mission of F3, the Pledge and the Core Principles. We went for a warm-up jog and did a few warm-up exercises at the Boat Ramp. We started 11’s with Burpees and Peter Parkers at each book end on the Long Hill South West of the dam. An audible was called and the 11’s were reduced to 7’s. Below the dam we completed a round of rock partner pickle curls, rows and triceps. We then hustled back to the Flag and did Low Slow Flutters.

See Slack for Announcements and Current Events.

Prayer requests:
Bing has a job interview.
Astro’s friend has heart complications (hole in heart)
Kirkland’s child’s friend’s mother is battling an illness.
Prayers for injured and recovering PAX.

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