Q: Kitty Litter
PAX: Adjacent, Fruit Loop, Term Paper, Promo, Schnitzel
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
PAX: Adjacent, Fruit Loop, Term Paper, Promo, Schnitzel
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None
You know what week it is by now, well Chris R is still not sure. Term and Fruit guess wrong again. Today was leg day the SWWingers club. Tabata style with a slower first thang and then we picked up the pace for thang 2. Music was brought to you by Pepsi and the Super Bowl Halftime Show performers since 2014.
Thang 3 was all about Sally. Mary is a much more welcomed sister. Sally is too repetitive and never stops nagging. Term Paper may disagree.
Be a light to someone today. We are blessed to have each other, so share that feeling with someone today when a moment arises. MIAGD!