202202 Q’d by Staubach

Q: Staubach PAX: Hello Kitty, HoppinJohn, Staubach, Bluewater, Mayflower, Bagels, Francois, Water Wings, Chops, Amway PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 10 10 men attacked the hills today …

202220 Q’d by Bagels

Q: Bagels PAX: Bagels, Burt (Central Cary), Cardigan, Chipper, Chops, GTL, Kiffin, Largemouth, Michelob, Nabisco, Oofda, Staubach PAX (not in Slack): Grease Monkey FNGs: None COUNT: 13 This week marks …

20220613 Q’d by Squatter

Q: Squatter PAX: Michelob, Denali, Largemouth, Chanticleer, GTL, Bagels, Oofda, Chops, Water Wings PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 10 Snakes, cadence count merkins and running

20220606 Q’d by Nabisco

Q: Nabisco PAX: Augmented, Bagels, Denali, GTL, Hermes, Kiffin, Largemouth, Michelob, Oofda, Squatter, Staubach, Chops, Chanticleer, Nabisco PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 14 YHC joined several EC’ers …

2022-05-30 Q’d by Captain Jack

Q: Captain Jack PAX: Snip, Francois, Bañjo, Staubach, Oofda, Bagels, Dowry, Captain Jack, Amway, Vegemite, Mayflower PAX (not in Slack): Callahan, Saban, Tecumseh FNGs: None COUNT: 14 14 honored the …

2022-05-16 Q’d by Largemouth

Q: Largemouth PAX: Bagels, Chops, Dowry, Denali, Wonderbread, Squatter, Nabisco, Staubach, Largemouth PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 9 Trip to The Avenue of the Estates for some …