Shut-In Archives - F3 South Cary Free outdoor workout groups for men, to invigorate male community leadership. Fri, 31 Jan 2025 13:27:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shut-In Archives - F3 South Cary 32 32 201319790 202531 Q’d by FLINTstone Fri, 31 Jan 2025 13:27:23 +0000 Q: FLINTstone PAX: H G T V, Gravel Mouth, Shut-In, Tinkertoy, Water Wings, Chops, Astro, Term Paper, Unitard, Bubba, Grisham, Kirkland, Petey, Shipyard PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: Hitch ...

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Q: FLINTstone
PAX: H G T V, Gravel Mouth, Shut-In, Tinkertoy, Water Wings, Chops, Astro, Term Paper, Unitard, Bubba, Grisham, Kirkland, Petey, Shipyard
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: Hitch

With some “encouragement” from Shipyard, today we explored some recent phenomena…

I’m not saying it was aliens ….but it was the aliens!

Started with a mosey to warmups. Blew the PAX minds when they discovered the first man on the moon Neil A. Armstrong’s name speeled backwards is A.lieN. 🤯

Discussed the apocalyptic scene in New Jersey that has many in panic thinking UFOs were invading. Turns out it was the Goodyear blimp over MetLife stadium. The PAX then participated in inflating BLIMPs.

Burpees x5
Lunges x10
Imperial walkers x15
Merkins x20
Plankjacks x25
Squats x 30

Thang 2 was to represent the Georgia state patrol chasing an UFO across the sky turns out it was just the planet Venus. Thus we did setof 5’s – merkins and CDDs with bearcrawl to and from.

Finished with MARY, where we learned Australia does it differently and Term Paper introduced us to Homer to Martian.

Ended with COT. Prayers to the health of our families, specifically our elders, and Maywe continue to be leaders in our community.

AKOA? Next week
F2 event at Weld Wednesday next week

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202507 Q’d by Shut-In Tue, 07 Jan 2025 15:00:28 +0000 Q: Shut-In PAX: Bubba, Dumas, cheeseballs, Grisham, DEET, Homegrown, Kirkland, Useful Engine PAX (not in Slack): Yogi FNGs: None COUNT: 10 Back in ’17 the only Tuesday workout was Field ...

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Q: Shut-In
PAX: Bubba, Dumas, cheeseballs, Grisham, DEET, Homegrown, Kirkland, Useful Engine
PAX (not in Slack): Yogi
FNGs: None

Back in ’17 the only Tuesday workout was Field of Dreams until an up and coming rising star, who would one day invent the Maynard and another day invent South Cary, planted a flag at Kids Together Park and using the music theme would name it Flirtin with Disaster and give us bacon at the first hard launch of the site.

To pay hommage to the history of FWD YHC decided to repeato his first Q. You can read about it here:

Jack Webbs was the name of the game.

One major modification that was NOT beneficial to us in on the bridge we swapped out crab movements and instead did Balls to the Wall Shoulder presses (1) to Aussie Mountain Climbers (4). We got to 4 or 5 and the Qs shoulder would have preferred stopping at 2!

When I gave some instructions there was some gasps but one hero in the crowd (it was dark not sure who – Useful or Dumas I think?) said it best (I’m paraphrasing), “Wow those are gonna suck, but I’m excited to do it” YES! You get it!!!

Ok then we came back and the Q asked if anyone has yet to Q before and Deet stepped up so YHC put him in the middle of the circle, instructed him on how to call an exercise, and then let him loose! He killed it! We then gave his 3 praises and 3 improvements to work on.

He’s now ready to Q! One of you spreadsheet box checkers can probably check a box if you get him signed up. It’s a very warm lead hah!

GREAT morning with these guys, really enjoyed it! Loved the full participation by everyone. Bubba gets a shout out for his last lap sprint so he could get a BIGGER rock. Atta boy!


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[ao-downrange-carpex] 202506 Q’d by Shut-In Mon, 06 Jan 2025 12:02:39 +0000 Q: Shut-In PAX: Wah Wah, Cauliflower, Astro, Denali, Yoga Mat, Olsen, Franklin PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 26 Shut-In 10 year anniversary Q at A Team with ...

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Q: Shut-In
PAX: Wah Wah, Cauliflower, Astro, Denali, Yoga Mat, Olsen, Franklin
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

Shut-In 10 year anniversary Q at A Team with 26…many of whom had been doing this a long time. Including approx 7 that I think qualify for the rip count.

Workout included 7s, tennis court movements/B2W, rock work and unclear instructions. Congrats to Shut-In, a real HIM of HIMs, on a great 10 year run and tremendous impact in and out of F3!

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[aomoab] 202502 Q’d by Kitty Litter Thu, 02 Jan 2025 13:02:15 +0000 Q: Kitty Litter PAX: Shut-In, Punch Out, Jigglypuff, Oofda, Trickle, Water Wings, Triple Lindy, Kirkland PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 9 Day 2 of the JigglyLitter tour ...

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Q: Kitty Litter
PAX: Shut-In, Punch Out, Jigglypuff, Oofda, Trickle, Water Wings, Triple Lindy, Kirkland
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

Day 2 of the JigglyLitter tour continues. This Q spot snuck up on everyone, including the site Q. I loaded up the truck with coupons and we had a plan.

Pledge then warmup mosey in the main circle lot. Now over the river and through the woods we go. Thang 1 was an Impossible “Pickle”. Burpee broad jump down, lunge walk back, bear crawl down, run back, PUT6.

Thang 2 we moseyed to the Big Seimens Deck. Awaiting were some coupon stations. Partner up and one runs the deck up a level and returns down stairs while the other completes a station. Stations included battle rope, rope bag pull, sandbag thrusters, sandbag/ram roller rock you body, bucket squats. Everyone hit each station at least once.

Thang 3 was a North Pole – South Pole – Pain Train! Heading down the hill squat with increased reps at each pole, heading back up hill merkins decreasing reps at each pole. Typical SCary Pain Train style with hitting each stop then return home. Noting time we called it and circled up on the still closed bridge for a merkin ring of fire to 100. Mosey back to the flag. HAND!

F3 is cheaper than Orange Theory, SCary beat the over, iced coffee was the drink of choice for most. It’s always an honor to lead in the gloom. As Shutty noted, there will be a day when you cannot do this, but today is not that day! MIAGD!

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[3rdfescalator] 202427 Q’d by Dexter Fri, 27 Dec 2024 13:10:30 +0000 Q: Dexter PAX: Shut-In, Oofda, Punch Out, Chanticleer, Fruit Loop, Largemouth PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 7 Had a great discussion about conflict resolution. Thanks everyone for ...

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Q: Dexter
PAX: Shut-In, Oofda, Punch Out, Chanticleer, Fruit Loop, Largemouth
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

Had a great discussion about conflict resolution. Thanks everyone for your participation!

Matthew 18:15-17 (NIV), “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector”

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[ao-downrange-carpex] 202407 Q’d by F3 South Cary Sat, 07 Dec 2024 15:35:00 +0000 Q: F3 South Cary PAX: Amway, Jigglypuff, Astro, Shut-In, Texas Ranger, Sherpa, OTW (On The Way), Spade, Dowry, French Lick, Hallmark, Hermes, The Super, WebMD, Happy Gilmore, Revere, Michelob, KwikStop, ...

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Q: F3 South Cary
PAX: Amway, Jigglypuff, Astro, Shut-In, Texas Ranger, Sherpa, OTW (On The Way), Spade, Dowry, French Lick, Hallmark, Hermes, The Super, WebMD, Happy Gilmore, Revere, Michelob, KwikStop, Suck UP, Saban, Dunk
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

Today, December 7th, 2024—a date which will live in infamy—the region of Carpex was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the pax of South Cary. All in good fun, though, as we invited them all to the party.

Maynardrenaline was high for this Major 1stF Challenge. When it was all said and done, we had:
– 2 current Nantans
– 2 former Nantans
– 1 shirtless lunatic (I’ll give you one guess)
– 12 Days of Christmas EC
– 100 merkin EC
– 2 six-packs + EC’s completed (Astro and OTW)
– Christmas Elvis appearance
– 6 Maynard first-timers, if I am counting correctly (Astro, OTW, Spade, French Lick, WebMD, Dunk)
– At least 6 Maynard or 10-mile PR’s (The Super, Hallmark, Revere, Saban, Astro, French Lick, if I missed anyone let me know)
– A new F3 Maynard segment leader, and 2nd overall (Revere)
– Over $500 raised so far for the Matthew Larson Foundation for Pediatric Brain Tumors, and I’ll be donating an additional $10 per person for each person who ran today. If anyone else feels led to donate (completely optional), I’ll leave the donation window open until EOD tomorrow. Venmo @AnthonyJJohnson (last four digits 3233)
– Some great words at COT from Phoenix Q Tecumseh about the impact of F3.

I am constantly amazed by this group. Great job everyone, thank you for participating, love you guys and MIAGD.

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202426 Q’d by Shut-In Tue, 26 Nov 2024 14:39:06 +0000 Q: Shut-In PAX: Dowry, Brie, Fresh Prince, Gravel Mouth, Useful Engine, HoppinJohn, Olsen, Renfield, Open Concept, cheeseballs, Dumas, DEET PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 13 0530 hit ...

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Q: Shut-In
PAX: Dowry, Brie, Fresh Prince, Gravel Mouth, Useful Engine, HoppinJohn, Olsen, Renfield, Open Concept, cheeseballs, Dumas, DEET
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

0530 hit as pax were still getting situated. YHC kicked it off with the full blitz F3 welcoming: Disclaimer, Mission, 5CPs, and Pledge then we mozy’d off to Lowe’s to warm up.
(in the meantime what we didn’t know is Brie was just arriving and instead of peering over at the shopping center he went medical park and missed us!)

20 squats with heels on the curb (someone said they are Stiletto Squats? Haven’t heard that before but I’ve noted for next time!)
Increasing exercises at each parking spot divider: 1, then 2, 3, 4, 5 and then run back for the next set. Each set different exercise: Merkins then Burpees, then Mtn Climbers.
As I gasped for air on the burpees I saw my heart rate hit 170. Everyone was pushing. There were no Mailmen at this workout.

THANG 2: Medical park now (sorry Brie). YHCs car was waiting for the pax with a plethora of coupons. Cindys , #35 plates, and a kettle bell. Partner up, and partner with coupon does a repeating Squat, step, Curl, step, Press, step working his way around the pickle. P2 is running the pickle back to P1 and they flapjack until the pickle is completed. Mileage and Strength…win win!

Back to the flag for a Plank O Rama, followed by COT. YHC has adopted a new COT disclaimer so pax of all walks of faith understand F3 is for all men and faith backgrounds. It goes sorta like this if you want to replicate it in some fashion, “F3 ascribes to no specific faith and isn’t a Christian organization. The Q is welcome to end the workout how he feels led. Being that I’m Christian i’ll take us out the way I know how, which is prayer.” And then I said “Ball up!” ha! Which now I want shirt with a picture of a COT and it says BALL UP! above it.

And with that, a great morning was had by all. Thanks for being there with me fellas! MIAGD

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202408 Q’d by Kirkland Fri, 08 Nov 2024 15:33:54 +0000 Q: Kirkland PAX: KittyHawk, FLINTstone, Fruit Loop, Dookie, Shut-In, Kirkland, Astro, Olsen, Lite Brite, Bubba, Grisham, Gravel Mouth, IC Light, Unitard PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 14 ...

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Q: Kirkland
PAX: KittyHawk, FLINTstone, Fruit Loop, Dookie, Shut-In, Kirkland, Astro, Olsen, Lite Brite, Bubba, Grisham, Gravel Mouth, IC Light, Unitard
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

Sometime your Winke is way too long, and while that usually is not the case for me, it sure was today. I continued the theme of Culture Week in which we focused on Leadership and FNG’s. Astro, Bubba and IC Light shared their F3 stories during our warm-up, and then we did roughly a 2 mile mosey with stops along the way with the ABC’s of F3. At each stop, the PAX had to say a workout corresponding to the letter we were on, and every PAX had to participate. The PAX who called it, led the workout. KittyHawk and Dookie experienced leading an exercise for the first time, which was great to see. On the way back, there was a few comments about safety, mainly from the downrange PAX. We only completed to letter P before the end of the workout, and didn’t even get to Thang 2 on the winke. Looks like I need to take a shot at Qing MOAB some time given how long my winke is. I missed my bald brothers today as there was way too much hair represented today. Thanks for the opportunity to lead, and I look forward Q’ing SW sometime in early 2026. MIAGD.

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[aomoab] 202407 Q’d by Dewey Decimal Thu, 07 Nov 2024 12:17:41 +0000 Q: Dewey Decimal PAX: Trickle, Shut-In PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 3 Total of 10 pax for 12 days of ChristmasQ by Dewey D. Instead of sending ...

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Q: Dewey Decimal
PAX: Trickle, Shut-In
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

Total of 10 pax for 12 days of ChristmasQ by Dewey D. Instead of sending a band of brothers, Scary opted to send their baddest of mo fo’s to rep for them Trickle. Well played S Cary, well played.

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[aothunderstruck] 202424 Q’d by Shipyard Thu, 24 Oct 2024 11:37:59 +0000 Q: Shipyard PAX: Elevation, French Lick, Olsen, Shipyard, Shut-In, Tonnage, Wah Wah PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 7 7+🐕‍🦺 for a stonecutters style workout replete with hidden ...

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Q: Shipyard
PAX: Elevation, French Lick, Olsen, Shipyard, Shut-In, Tonnage, Wah Wah
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

7+🐕‍🦺 for a stonecutters style workout replete with hidden messages and unanswerable questions. After a lap and brief warmup we moved on to the Thang. Run to a corner, do reps of an exercise, return to the middle for 7 star jumps, repeat on the other 3 corners. Repeat counts were 19, 20, 15, 14, 5 which French Lick figured out spelled STONE. Exercises were Gas pumps (by the CircleK), Overhead claps, Alabama asskickers, and Turkish getups (which everyone realized spelled GOAT). We actually skipped the final round in order to get to the trivia questions which were intended to be a mix of impossibly arcane and just plain unanswerable. We ran or flying nun’d from corner to corner based upon the whims of the Q. Questions:
1. Why was Stonehenge created? The pax got this wrong.
2. What structure won the “Supreme Award” at the Institute of Structural Engineers annual Structural Awards in 2010? Though there was an attempt, the pax were unfamiliar with the Stonecutters bridge in Hong Kong.
3. What does the Latin phrase “Novus Ordo Seclorum” mean? French Lick nailed the translation of this phrase found under the pyramid on the dollar bill: New order of the ages
4. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The pax got this wrong too.

Mary included LBCs and CFH2M (held awkwardly long in order to give a show to OTW and TP who joined from the premiere Thursday AO).

Amway and Badda rolled in a little after COT having run to and from BiB 🔥

Sometimes in our lives we are the keystone and sometimes we are another brick in the arch. In all of those moments we are connected to, supporting, and supported by the ones around us.

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