term paper Archives - F3 South Cary https://f3southcary.com/tag/term-paper/ Free outdoor workout groups for men, to invigorate male community leadership. Tue, 18 Feb 2025 11:41:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://i0.wp.com/f3southcary.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/cropped-f3-south-cary-shield-logo.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 term paper Archives - F3 South Cary https://f3southcary.com/tag/term-paper/ 32 32 201319790 [ao-tues-justruckit] 2025-02-18 Q’d by Astro https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/18/ao-tues-justruckit-2025-02-18-qd-by-astro/ https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/18/ao-tues-justruckit-2025-02-18-qd-by-astro/#respond Tue, 18 Feb 2025 11:41:34 +0000 https://f3southcary.com/?p=3332 Q: Astro PAX: Kirkland, Term Paper, Water Wings, Chops, Gravel Mouth, Quiver PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 7 7 HIMs showed up to get in some miles ...

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Q: Astro
PAX: Kirkland, Term Paper, Water Wings, Chops, Gravel Mouth, Quiver
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

7 HIMs showed up to get in some miles and set a new personal best WTRR (words to reps ratio). Not surprisingly, the transcripts show that Mayor Kirkland had the highest WTRR for the group.

We traversed 2.7 miles down kildaire to Ritter greenway to regency to Tryon and back up to kildaire and then the parking lot where we ended with one squat, to avoid dividing by zero. World problems solved, heart rates elevated, one sandbag was carried by pax not named Astro. MIAGD, gents.

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2025-02-17 Q’d by Tinkertoy https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/17/2025-02-17-qd-by-tinkertoy/ https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/17/2025-02-17-qd-by-tinkertoy/#respond Mon, 17 Feb 2025 12:18:18 +0000 https://f3southcary.com/?p=3329 Q: Tinkertoy PAX: Spade, Grisham, Balut, Punkin, Term Paper, Astro, Kirkland, Olsen, Water Wings, Hallmark, OTW (On The Way), Homegrown, French Lick PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: ...

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Q: Tinkertoy
PAX: Spade, Grisham, Balut, Punkin, Term Paper, Astro, Kirkland, Olsen, Water Wings, Hallmark, OTW (On The Way), Homegrown, French Lick
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

I started by telling the story of my birth in order to give Astro enough time to get to the circle without penalty burpees.

Mozy to the Epic culdesac for warmups. Then back up the hill for the…

Walls of Jericho.
7 reps of 7 exercises 7 times running around the parking lot island.

Rock your body
Bonnie Blares (Blairs?)
Foxhole Merkins
Bear Crawl Throughs (heard OTW call these “Dancing Bears”)
Monkey Humpers

We made it through about 3.5 circles so only half the wall fell.

Check COT channel for the many announcements.

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[aostonecutters] 2025-02-13 Q’d by Yoga Mat https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/13/aostonecutters-2025-02-13-qd-by-yoga-mat/ https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/13/aostonecutters-2025-02-13-qd-by-yoga-mat/#respond Thu, 13 Feb 2025 13:06:06 +0000 https://f3southcary.com/?p=3319 Q: Yoga Mat PAX: Fruit Loop, Cauliflower, Lite Brite, Term Paper, H G T V, Unitard, Trickle, Kirkland, Shipyard, Chops PAX (not in Slack): guy smoking pot in the woods ...

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Q: Yoga Mat
PAX: Fruit Loop, Cauliflower, Lite Brite, Term Paper, H G T V, Unitard, Trickle, Kirkland, Shipyard, Chops
PAX (not in Slack): guy smoking pot in the woods
FNGs: None

Slow and deliberate was the name of the game this morning. PAX assembled under the shelter lit by the warm glow of the extra lights @cauliflower bought. As we started additional PAX trickled in?! 5:15 means 5:15. So we all did 10 burpees. Then back to the regularly scheduled workout, already in progress. we warmed up with 20 merkins and 50 LBCs and 50 monkey humpers. Moved on to 1 minute holds of plank, chilcut, people’s chair, and the down position of dips. wash rinse repeat. PAX took turns walking the pickle carrying kettlebells. About 2/3s of the way through we paused to do stretching. We finished with a round of Mary and departed for coffee.

it was a lovely morning, thank you for the opportunity to lead!

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2025-02-11 Q’d by Homegrown https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/11/2025-02-11-qd-by-homegrown/ https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/11/2025-02-11-qd-by-homegrown/#respond Tue, 11 Feb 2025 13:42:35 +0000 https://f3southcary.com/?p=3314 Q: Homegrown PAX: DEET, Dumas, cheeseballs, Punkin, Sanka, Term Paper, Kirkland, French Lick, Renfield, Grisham PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 11 11 showed up on this cool ...

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Q: Homegrown
PAX: DEET, Dumas, cheeseballs, Punkin, Sanka, Term Paper, Kirkland, French Lick, Renfield, Grisham
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

11 showed up on this cool morning to flirt with disaster. Kicked off with the Pledge and moseyed over to medical office park for warmups. Exited out the back past some soggy rolls of carpet on the way to Thang 1 – Pearls on a string Merkins/CDDs around Frostwood Dr / Larkwood Ln. Monkey humpers mixed in on the way back down Tryon with a bear crawl added due to special request. JDI sighting as well. Thang 2 was BLIMPS across Whole Foods parking lot and back, leaving just enough time to get back to flag. MIAGD!

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2025-02-08 Q’d by OTW (On The Way) https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/08/2025-02-08-qd-by-otw-on-the-way/ https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/08/2025-02-08-qd-by-otw-on-the-way/#respond Sat, 08 Feb 2025 14:15:29 +0000 https://f3southcary.com/?p=3305 Q: OTW (On The Way) PAX: Astro, Kitty Litter, OTW (On The Way), Amway, Promo, Jigglypuff, Chipper, Texas Ranger, Unitard, Shipyard, Sbarro, French Lick, Thurston, Fruit Loop, H G T ...

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Q: OTW (On The Way)
PAX: Astro, Kitty Litter, OTW (On The Way), Amway, Promo, Jigglypuff, Chipper, Texas Ranger, Unitard, Shipyard, Sbarro, French Lick, Thurston, Fruit Loop, H G T V, Term Paper, Memento, PickUp, Yoga Mat, Horatio, Kirkland, Gravel Mouth, Dowry, Breezy, Flounder
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

And just like that AKOA week comes to a close. Some may reflect on this as SCary’s first CSAUP of 2025. Some may reflect on it as the most fun they’ve had all year. Some may reflect on it with disdain and an attitude of good riddance. Some may even still be asking themselves, what is AKOA Week?

Astro kicked things off this morning with some attempted deception involving multiple laps around the upper lot until finally heading towards the dock for warm-ups. Upon the mosey to the dock who should appear but Kitty Litter, OTW, and Amway at various locations each calling their ‘signature’ exercise. Fairly standard warm-ups with the inclusion of the Rick Rude which left Texas Ranger in tears, then passed off to the cat who may be on his 9th life.

Kitty Litter took us down to the disc golf pickle for some AKOA four corners. By now I think you know which exercises were called.

OTW took us over to the rock pile for some rock work and TAKE THE HILL (which was more of a tiny bump to Pick Up).

Amway led us back to the pool for How Well Can You Keep a Secret burpees, Last Man Merkin-ing, and Mary.

Thanks to everyone who participated in and supported this endeavor. Part of what makes this group great is not taking ourselves too seriously and pushing each other to do more than we thought we could. This week accomplished that and shoutout to the guys who completed a full AKOA week. Now who’s ready for part two?

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[3rdfescalator] 2025-02-07 Q’d by Astro https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/07/3rdfescalator-2025-02-07-qd-by-astro/ https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/07/3rdfescalator-2025-02-07-qd-by-astro/#respond Fri, 07 Feb 2025 17:53:48 +0000 https://f3southcary.com/?p=3304 Q: Astro PAX: Fruit Loop, Term Paper, Francois, Amway, Punch Out, Kitty Litter, Chanticleer, OTW (On The Way) PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 9 Solid group of ...

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Q: Astro
PAX: Fruit Loop, Term Paper, Francois, Amway, Punch Out, Kitty Litter, Chanticleer, OTW (On The Way)
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

Solid group of AKOA + 5 at the Escalator today. Had a robust discussion on “doing things that matter”. What’s does that mean? In a Christian context and outside of it. What do we do that matters at home, at work and in other circles?

Couple takeaways:
-we under estimate what we are able to do and don’t push ourselves to pursue the big things.
-standard response to your kid or wife asking you to do something with them should be “yes” by rule, no by exception
-be the same person at work that you are at F3 (in the good ways)
-make someone’s day better because of you or something you did
-seek to please God in whatever sphere you’re in
-invest in relationships over tasks and things

Thanks for joining and discussing today, gents.

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[aoswwingers] 2025-02-07 Q’d by Kitty Litter https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/07/aoswwingers-2025-02-07-qd-by-kitty-litter/ https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/07/aoswwingers-2025-02-07-qd-by-kitty-litter/#respond Fri, 07 Feb 2025 13:14:08 +0000 https://f3southcary.com/?p=3301 Q: Kitty Litter PAX: Adjacent, Fruit Loop, Term Paper, Promo, Schnitzel PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 6 You know what week it is by now, well Chris ...

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Q: Kitty Litter
PAX: Adjacent, Fruit Loop, Term Paper, Promo, Schnitzel
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

You know what week it is by now, well Chris R is still not sure. Term and Fruit guess wrong again. Today was leg day the SWWingers club. Tabata style with a slower first thang and then we picked up the pace for thang 2. Music was brought to you by Pepsi and the Super Bowl Halftime Show performers since 2014.

Thang 3 was all about Sally. Mary is a much more welcomed sister. Sally is too repetitive and never stops nagging. Term Paper may disagree.

Be a light to someone today. We are blessed to have each other, so share that feeling with someone today when a moment arises. MIAGD!

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2025-02-06 Q’d by Kitty Litter https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/06/2025-02-06-qd-by-kitty-litter/ https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/06/2025-02-06-qd-by-kitty-litter/#respond Thu, 06 Feb 2025 12:31:05 +0000 https://f3southcary.com/?p=3296 Q: Kitty Litter PAX: Joe Smith, H G T V, IC Light, Term Paper, Grisham, HoppinJohn, Full House, Punkin PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 9 >From the ...

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Q: Kitty Litter
PAX: Joe Smith, H G T V, IC Light, Term Paper, Grisham, HoppinJohn, Full House, Punkin
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

>From the looks of a few faces when arrived, someone lost their bets early. In non typical Amway Q school fashion, YHC showed up and winged it based on the audience and the chatter. Off to the small parking lots for a warmup along with a guy who has a very specific parking spot.

Mosey to the smaller parking lot for a super short 4 corners. Merkins, squats, LBCs, and AKOA 2024 creations. Discussions included trail runs, arcade investments, and neck week coming soon.

Mosey to the finally open gates. Some say it’s coincidental, I say they knew it was AKOA week. Over to behind the stage stairs, steps, and bars. Calves, dips, and Aussie pull-ups.

Mosey back to the flag for some Mary by the pax. HAND!

Great to feel human again. DDD 2.22, HG25 4.19, SCP 4.27. Neck Week TBD. MIAGD!

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2025-02-05 Q’d by Astro https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/05/2025-02-05-qd-by-astro/ https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/05/2025-02-05-qd-by-astro/#respond Thu, 06 Feb 2025 01:25:34 +0000 https://f3southcary.com/?p=3294 Q: Astro PAX: Term Paper, Kirkland, OTW (On The Way), Kitty Litter, Jigglypuff, Punch Out, Promo, FLINTstone, Fruit Loop, Spade, Trickle PAX (not in Slack): None FNGs: None COUNT: 12 ...

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Q: Astro
PAX: Term Paper, Kirkland, OTW (On The Way), Kitty Litter, Jigglypuff, Punch Out, Promo, FLINTstone, Fruit Loop, Spade, Trickle
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: None

Big numberz tonight at WELD! Rotating group with 8-10 pax there at most times.

Many noteworthy discussions…some topics covered include cover story bro Kirkland and his overpriced and traditional photos, Spade cancelling his vacation to keep our lights on, flintstone full court press on Promo to save the F3Agents, bourbon scores, forthcoming poker night, AKOA Q odds for tomorrow, the fact that Astro is the most rock solid and premier of the AKOA quartet in peak physical condition, Trickle’s classy attire, Term Paper leaving a marketing meeting early to get points with intentions of being there as short a time as possible, heroic performances by Jiggz and Punch Out to show up, loop collecting Qs, parents whose grandparents antics play well with kids and not adults, pax dogs that humped my dad, recruiting of run club broz and more.

See you guys somewhere tomorrow!

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https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/05/2025-02-05-qd-by-astro/feed/ 0 3294
2025-02-05 Q’d by OTW (On The Way) https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/05/2025-02-05-qd-by-otw-on-the-way/ https://f3southcary.com/2025/02/05/2025-02-05-qd-by-otw-on-the-way/#respond Wed, 05 Feb 2025 12:00:55 +0000 https://f3southcary.com/?p=3291 Q: OTW (On The Way) PAX: Grisham, Kirkland, Brie, French Lick, Shipyard, Tinkertoy, Hallmark, Term Paper, FLINTstone, Bubba, Thurston, Gravel Mouth, Dowry, Flounder, Breezy, WebMD, Petey, Open Concept, Sherpa, Morpheus, ...

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Q: OTW (On The Way)
PAX: Grisham, Kirkland, Brie, French Lick, Shipyard, Tinkertoy, Hallmark, Term Paper, FLINTstone, Bubba, Thurston, Gravel Mouth, Dowry, Flounder, Breezy, WebMD, Petey, Open Concept, Sherpa, Morpheus, Sam Ayoub
PAX (not in Slack): None
FNGs: Ratatouille

AKOA week continues. Beautiful brisk morning at Point Break, with a little bit of something for everyone, Cleaver-ites, Ruckers, and Bootcampers. Problematic numberz (probably because of the nut milk advertised at coffeteria.

Anyways, welcome FNG, so mission and core principles. Off we mosey to the Shake Shack lot with an extra loop for good measure. Warm-ups near an unexpectedly sketchy 4-Runner. At this point a new F3 Game was created, look for it at an AO near you soon, Yogi and Bubba-isms Bingo. Looped around the lot again, down past whole foods (and the sketchy 4-Runner for a second time) and onto the green to find…..

THE WHEEL OF PAIN (core-centric edition)
Spin the wheel, 20 of called exercise OYO followed by a big pickle around Shake Shack. Halfway through we needed to balance some things out so merks and squats to restore said balance. Continue on until all exercises had been called. More squats and merks then back up to the big lot. At this point Kirkland was bemoaning the lack of AKOA exercises, so Astro Jacks, Stiflers Mom, American Sledgehammers, and Cat Scratch Fever were all called. Back to pick up the wheel (which Gravel Mouth bore upon his back) and then to the flag.

Welcome FNG Ratatouille

HDHH TONIGHT! 1730-1900 at WELD

Praises for Marge heading home from the hospital and prayers that in home PT goes well.

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